Established in 2017 in Dubai, V L T is focused on solid and efficient results-driven solutions. Whatever your business objectives, allow our developers and IT strategy specialists team to achieve those for you. We are a team of over 200 tech geeks who love to develop solutions that are reliable and support your business growth.


Boost visibility and access through web development Having no delay between idea and launch is crucial in business. Frankly, we will do it for you. Our unique tools develop web-based applications more reliable than our rivals. Our team incorporates industry best practices to create software that follows clear web standards.

Web applications are accessible by anyone with an Internet connection. Users can now view your software on their tablet or smartphone just as they could do it on a computer. Responsive design displays the app perfectly, no matter what device it appears on.

With a web app, anyone who connects to your business has the access they need. No matter what your business is, users can connect anytime and from anywhere. Customers can make purchases whenever the mood takes them, external suppliers and contractors enjoy better communication, and your staff always have the up-to-date information they need.

With a cloud-based service, every time the software is updated or improved, users immediately have access to the new version from any connected device. Using a web app also avoids the hassle of having those users download and install an application.